Monday, May 19, 2008

Gun control was the third topic. The liberal veiw was that people should be able to carry guns because it is an amendmant and it is safe. The conservative veiw is against guns and feels as if guns are dangerous and people shopuldnt be allowd to own them. They relate school shootings to a major problem caused by guns and gun control.

I am on the Conservative side of this topic. Too many Americans have guns and kids are growing up thinking guns are ok! Kids have been caught shooting them and killing people and the govermnat has done nothing! Guns should not be a right of ours! It is unnecessary to walk around with a gun all the time for protection.
Gay marriage was my groups topic. The conservative veiw is against gay marriage. they beleive it is bad and children can not grow up well there. They beleive that marriage is about concieving and that gay people can noty conceive so it is pointless. the Liberal view is that gays are equals and should be aloud to get married. That marriage is about love no matter what ur sexual orientation is.

I am on the liberal side of this topic. I beleive that gay people should of course be able to get married no questions asked! I think it is rediculious that people try to deny them of there rights.

Friday, May 16, 2008


The Liberal veiws on abortion are pro-choice. That women should have the right to choose whether they want to keep the baby or not. It means the government has no say in what a woman does.

The Conservative view is that it is wrong and should not be allowed at all under any circumstances. That women should not even have the option because it is like killing a person. They relate it to a person on life support.

I take the Liberal veiw. I would never feel comfortable doing it myself but I think that other women should have the option and no one should be able to make that decision for them. If they feel that stronngly about doing it then they should. The baby is so young that it really shouldnt be made such a big deal by the goverment. They have no right to intervine.

Monday, April 7, 2008

"It's a shame that the people who are listening to you the most are only interested in you because they want you and your peers to buy their product."

I think this statement overall is just disappointing. It is true but it reflects our society in a very negative way. It is embarrassing that we live in a place that values peoples money rather than their friendship and relationships. People create relationships off of money. Good customers=good friends. Advertisements and major companies are OUT OF CONTROL. It is impossible to go through the day without seeing an advertisement and we are all guilty in the fact that we buy these products being advertised! We buy the brand we see everywhere instead of the one we don't know! Overall these companies really need to put a limit on how far they go to sell a product and we all need to reevaluate our values in this country.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

these are the lyrics to Grand Theft Autumn by Fall Out Boy. The first lines of the song "Where is your boy tonight? i hope he is a gentleman maybe he won't find out what I know, you were the last good thing about this part of town." this part is almost spoken in the begining of the song so i get that its about a girl that he wants but she is with someone else. That is actually what the song is about. It doens't really relate to me I must say but I think its a cute story and its very realistic. In general though I beleive that I like songs with lyrics somewhat like this because I think there entertaining and reaistic in a teenagers life.


Fall out Boy has only become popular over the past couple of years. In that time it they have become very popular very fast BUT i beleive that there is actually no one genre or artist that can depict my generation. For example, when Elvis was alive and popular people worshiped him and he was the biggest thing! Growing up I feel liek i have never felt like any genre or artist has made me think that they are dominant in this generation. FallOut Boy is alternative rock and that is very popular but so is rap and pop? I beleive that although Fall Out Boy is considered one of the best it does not depict my generation of music well.

Monday, March 3, 2008


This week in class the most nteresting thing we talked about was Elvis and how he changed America. It was true that he changed our culture forever. Kids/teenagers "acting out" started then. Although, back then they did no harm they actually helped our country in a hidden way.

Monday, February 25, 2008


My first favorite singing group was the Spice Girls, of course. In third grade I remember we had journals and almost every entry was explaining how much I loved them and sometimes I mentioned wanting to join the group. Now that I look back at this I realize I was too intense and maybe a little creepy. I just thought it was really cool how they were each different and unique and there music was so girly, unlike the Backstreet Boys and N*Sync. I loved there accents too. I often copied them and pretended to be british all the time. People got annoyed.